Sunday, 27 November 2011

The key to educational success?

A very interesting proposal.. here

and traditional vs digital approaches... here

oSkope Visual Search

oSkope visual search is a free online service. Check it out... oSkope

Educational Origami

Educational Origami is a blog and a wiki, about 21st Century Teaching and Learning.
This wiki is not just about the integration of technology into the classroom, though this is certainly a critical area, it is about shifting our educational paradigm. The world is not as simple as saying teachers are digital immigrants and students digital natives. In fact, we know that exposure to technology changes the brains of those exposed to it. The longer and stronger the exposure and the more intense the emotions the use of the technology or its content evokes, the more profound the change. This technology is increasingly ubiquitous. We have to change how we teach, how we assess, what we teach, when we teach it, where we are teaching it, and with what.
Its a tall order, but these are exciting times.


Fantastic short videos that explain and demonstrate 'how to': blog, search, create podcasts and much more. Required membership/sign up however evaluation videos are pretty good.... Commoncraft 


A fantastic concept... Augmented reality uses technology to bring objects to life. The potential within an educational context is limitless and i am currently trying to identify a partner/developers platform to explorer pedagogical potential. Currently used as a marketing tool and beats QR codes hands down.

Check it out for yourself... Blippar 

thINKing canvas...

The thINKing Canvas is this mechanism and a media which allows groups to see big picture concepts, discover underlying issues or to uncover unseen opportunities once hidden because of traditional thinking processes. Visual strategic planning is the best and most powerful way to develop and create a shared understanding with in an organization or a team.

Information is beautiful

After  receiving a copy of this book as a gift i decided to check out the website  it essentially presents infomation in a visual way. Some interesting sets of data...


Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends. WORDLE

I have used the textwall link to Wordle to analyse text responses to set questions.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Google Spreadsheet (Import Data)

A post from Dave Fords blog which I found particularly useful....

I have been using Google Docs for quite a few years now, and in particular Google spreadsheets.

One feature of Google spreadsheets is there is a function called ImportRange that allows you to pull data out of one sheet and into another. This can be really useful, if for example you have a spreadsheet that you are using to collaborate with others, and then somewhere along the line you want another person to be able to see some of the data in the sheet but not all of it. e.g. if you are using this to track student grades, you could have a master sheet that you and other tutors can see all of, you could then create a separate sheet for each student, and pull through only the data that refers to them (you then share that sheet with the student) and they have a live constantly updating record of what they have achieved etc.

Or you could have a mechanism where each subject tutor has their own spreadsheet to record class grades, then the course leader has another sheet which pulls all of this data into one place, so they can at any point in time see how the class is doing without having to ask tutors to email over their latest version of their standalone spreadsheet (which I see happening all to often).

Saturday, 12 November 2011


Develop enterprise skills and personalised projects by allowing individuals to create their http designs online which can be printed on a selected product.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Xlearn and wordle

Harness the used of mobile phone technology using x learn text wall and analyse student responses using wordle.

Thursday, 16 June 2011


Prezi lets you bring your ideas into one space and see how they relate, helping you and your audience connect. Zoom out to see the big picture and zoom in to see details — a bit like web-based maps that have changed how we navigate through map books.


Can i be your friend...

A great video to provoke discussion around Cyber safety and social networking.


SpicyNodes is a way to visualize online information that mimics that way that people look for things in the real world. Bits of information — such as text, links, photos, and other media — are placed into "nodes," which are then linked together in an appealing interface that invites exploration. SpicyNodes can be used for everything from mind maps and content portals to organizational charts and lesson plans. Visit our FAQ for more information.


Monday, 18 April 2011

Google Apps

Welcome to the Google Apps Education Training Center. This is an online learning environment dedicated for educators and students to learn how to effectively use Google Apps in an educational context.

Access to a Google Apps Education account is strongly recommended so that you can experiment and apply what you learn.

Plan your course
There are six modules of training content available. Each module has several chapters with many lessons.

After reviewing the entire training course, an individual will have a solid understanding of all the products in the Google Apps suite. Learning objectives include:
Customize Google Apps for your school
Organize your email more effectively
Create shared calendars for your school
Collaborate with others, online, on documents, presentations, and spreadsheets
Deliver and collect surveys, quizzes, and feedback
Develop a media-rich website without looking at code
Set-up an internal video portal just for your school

Sunday, 20 March 2011


Useful tools for developing leadership, management and problem solving skills for all.


Track Class

A website that allows students to organise and manage workloads, assignments and examinations. Track Class can even provide a dashboard summary of progress, grades achieved and weighted marks. A calendar function allows for the management of assignments based on deadlines. Reminders can be sent via email or txt message.

Track Class

Khan Academy - Numeracy Development

Fantastic resource for developing numeracy skills. Supports individualised learning and assessment. Provides instant feedback, online tutorial videos and reports for tutors.

Khan Academy